
Introduction to Product Strategy

  • What is a product and its types?
  • Product Features
  • Product mix and product lines
  • Product Strategy and its characteristics
  • Product Strategy: Role of product management and organization
  • Holistic approach to product strategy
  • Factors influencing product strategy

(Marketing) Value Creation, Value Communication and Value Delivery DONE

  • Value creation - How product is connected to customer
  • Value communication
  • Value Delivery and Co-creation
  • Traditional vs. contemporary value delivery process
  • Porter’s Value chain

Strategic Approach for Competitive Advantage in Product Strategy

  • What is and what is not a strategy?
  • Porter’s generic strategies
  • Competitive strategies
  • SWOT analysis
  • Core competency and its characteristics
  • Strategic planning, implementation and controlling process
  • Strategic business units and its relevance for successful product strategy

Disruptive Innovation for Successful Product Strategy

  • What is disruptive innovation?
  • Disruptive innovation model or theory
  • Ansoff’s product market expansion grid
  • Market opportunity analysis for innovative products
  • Growth strategy and strategic planning gaps
  • Disruptive innovation when customer tend to maintain status-quo
  • Disruptive innovation when organization wants to maintain status-quo

New Product Development Process, and MVP and MDP Approaches

  • Process in product development
  • Identifying customer needs
  • Product Planning
  • Product features and specifications
  • Concept generation
  • Concept screening/selection
  • Concept scoring
  • Concept testing
  • Product launching
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach
  • Minimum Delightful Product (MDP) approach

Market Orientation and Competitor Orientation DONE

  • Market Segmentation
  • Target market selection
  • Defining buyers’ personas
  • Product positioning and messaging: Requirement and Relevance
  • Market orientation when customers want to maintain status-quo
  • Competitor orientation
  • Product strategy to beat competition

(Marketing) Go-to-Market Strategy and Sales Strategy DONE

  • Selecting best route to market
  • Steps to develop and execute go-to-market plan
  • Managing the product launch
  • Best practices for product launch: Case study
  • Different sales strategies
  • Managing sales force perception
  • Sales force compensation

(Marketing) Product Positioning and Branding - DONE

  • What is product positioning?
  • Point of Parity and point of difference
  • What is product branding?
  • How to create a strong brand positioning?
  • Develop a brand positioning statement through Perceptual brand mapping
  • Brand equity
  • Brand mantra and slogan

(Marketing) Marketing Communication and Logistics for Successful Product Strategy

  • What is integrated communication in product strategy?
  • Different Communication platforms
  • Advertising for product success
  • Use of Puffery, self-esteem and sexual appeal in advertising product
  • Communication models
  • Role of value network and channels for successful product strategy
  • Channel members’ functions and flow of marketing channels
  • Vertical and horizontal marketing systems (VMS & HMS)
  • Channel conflict

(Marketing) Pricing of Product

  • Define pricing of product
  • Pricing principles
  • Product-pricing strategies 1
  • Product pricing strategies 2
  • Behavioural pricing for product,
  • Consumer’s price quantity latitude
  • Reference pricing
  • Participative pricing
  • Price and non-price competition
  • Brand leader’s response to competitive price cut

(Statistics) Introduction to Product Analytics

  • What is Product Analytics?
  • Basic concepts of Analytics and its Features
  • Applied and basic product analytics
  • Scientific methods for Analytics
  • Role of analytics in making decision in product strategy
  • Characteristics of High-Quality Analytics
  • Identify and Solving Product management Problem Using Product Analytics
  • Analytics Objective, Research Questions and Hypotheses
  • Variables and Unit of Analysis

(Statistics) Product Analytics Process and Design

  • Stages of product analytics process
  • Product analytics design
  • Overview of Exploratory, Descriptive and Causal analytics
  • Direct exploratory methods - FGD, Depth interview
  • Debrief of Focussed Group Discussion video (YouTube)
  • Indirect exploratory methods - Projective techniques
  • Role of Observation Methods in Product Development and Management
  • Case methods analysis

(Statistics) Product Analytics: Metrics and Goals

  • Measurement and scaling
  • Discrete measurement scales
  • Continuous measurement scales
  • Reliability and validity of scales
  • Types of analysis for different types of scales
  • Useful Scales for Product Management
  • Introduction to Questionnaire design
  • Basic rules of questionnaire design
  • Critical aspects of questionnaire design
  • Piloting and evaluation of questionnaire

(Statistics) Data Cleaning and Data Coding

  • Data preparation
  • Missing value and imputation of missing value
  • Data coding
  • Data entry
  • Data arrangement for suitable analysis
  • Secondary data analytics
  • Survey analytics

(Statistics) Data and Statistics for Descriptive Product Analytics DONE

  • Importance of statistics in Product management
  • What is descriptive product analytics?
  • Describe Basic Descriptive Statistics
  • Analysis and Application of Basic Descriptive statistics
  • Correlation analysis
  • Demonstration of correlation in the case Chic-Chicken: Marketing Research Decision
  • Hypothesis testing and level of significance
  • Types of Testing Errors
  • Approach to Testing: The P-Value/ significance value Method

(Statistics) Predictive Analytics for Product Management

  • Descriptive vs. Predictive analysis
  • Exploratory data analysis for predictive modelling
  • Create your own model, identify the predictive indicators & test
  • Regression model
  • Best Fit Line and its Explanatory Power
  • Prediction using regression model
  • Assumptions of Regression model
  • Estimation using regression model
  • Multiple Regression model
  • Dummy variable regression

Analysis for New Product Development and Modification

  • Reasons for Applying Analytics in product development
  • Introduction to Conjoint Analysis
  • Creating Conjoint Design
  • Conjoint Study Process
  • Conjoint analysis Using Excel Software
  • Calculating Importance of Product Features
  • Validate Conjoint Design Model
  • Demonstration of Developing Orthogonal Design
  • Conjoint Design using XLSTAT
  • Demonstration of Conjoint Data and Analysis in XLSTAT
  • Market Share Calculation of the New Product

(Marketing) Analysis of Consumer Behaviour

  • Importance of Consumer Behaviour Analysis
  • Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour
  • Customer Research using Factor Analysis
  • Basic Concepts of Factor Analysis
  • Principle Component Factor Analysis
  • Factor Analysis Demonstration
  • Factor Rotation
  • Demonstration of Factor rotation
  • Old Data to New Data
  • Demonstration of creating new data from old data
  • Application of Analytics in Market Segmentation and Effective Targeting
  • Segmentation using Cluster Analysis
  • Outliers and cluster selection
  • Hierarchical Cluster analysis with SPSS
  • K-mean Cluster Analysis in SPSS
  • Validation of Cluster Analysis Solution
  • Profiling of Customer Segments using Demographic and Socio-economic Variables

(Marketing) Digital Analytics: Tools and Techniques DONE

  • Web Analytics and its Application in Product Management
  • Importance of Web Analytics Tool
  • A/B testing
  • A/B Testing - Demo
  • Customer Basket Analysis
  • Customer Basket Analysis – Demo
  • Customer Life Time Value Analysis

Applying Analytics in Marketing

  • Analytics for recommendation - Collaborative Filtering
  • Cosine based Collaborative Filtering
  • Excel Demonstration Collaborative Filtering
  • Using Analytics for Product Positioning
  • Perceptual Mapping
  • Perceptual Mapping Demo in Excel
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Analytics
  • Presenting Analytics Report

Product Development Process

  • Traditional Product Development Processes
  • Waterfall Model of Software Development
  • Modern Product Development Processes
  • Traditional and Modern Processes: Comparison
  • Product Development in B2B and B2C Industries

(Agile Managment) Understanding Agile and Lean Development DONE

  • History of Lean and Lean Thinking
  • Facets of Lean Product Development
  • Lean Metrics
  • Cycle Time and Flow Time
  • Agile Product Development
  • Lean versus Agile
  • Agile Methodologies

(Agile) How Microsoft Practices Agile

  • History of Product Development Processes
  • Introduction to Scrum Framework
  • Scrum Team
  • Scrum Events
  • Scrum Artefacts
  • Scrum Illustration in Microsoft

(Design Thinking) Design Thinking Process in Product Development

  • What Is Design Thinking?
  • Stages of Design Thinking Process
  • Applying Design Thinking to Product Management
  • Customer Inputs: Discussions and Interviews
  • User Observation
  • Focus Group Discussions
  • Facilitated Workshops
  • Translating Observations and Feedback
  • Idea Generation, Development and Selection
  • Idea Prioritisation
  • Prototyping of Ideas

(Design Thinking) Innovative Communication in Design Thinking

  • Application of Innovation in Design Thinking
  • Communication through Storytelling: Messaging and Persuasion
  • Other Aspects of Storytelling
  • Communication through Visualisation
  • Thinking Like a Designe

Product Prototyping

  • What Is and Is Not Prototyping
  • Need for Prototyping in Product Management
  • Fidelity for Prototypes
  • Low-Fidelity Prototyping
  • Mid-Fidelity Prototyping
  • High-Fidelity Prototyping
  • Low, Mid and High-Fidelity Prototyping: Comparison
  • Dimensions of Fidelity

Product Road mapping and Prioritisation

  • Product Road mapping
  • Product Roadmaps in Product Management
  • Key Elements in Product Road mapping
  • Building a Product Roadmap
  • Prioritisation of Features in a Product Roadmap
  • RoI Scorecard and MoSCoW
  • Importance of Product Roadmap in Agile Product Management

Leading Product Development

  • Product Leadership and Its Importance
  • Qualities of an Effective Product Leader
  • Setting-up a Product Development Team

Case studies