Musing from C4ML 2019
30 Mar 2019Paper : Getting to Machine Learning from a General Purpose Compiler
- ML algorithms require computation of derivative
- Embedding derivatives into computation library
- Symbolic Execution
f(x) = x*e^x , f’(x) = e^x * d/dx(x) + x * d/dx(e^x)
Computation library knows derivative individually without symbolic representation
- Type Composibility is Solved!
- Basic Types -> Arrays -> matrix -> tensors
- Basic Ops -> libray functions -> high level library
- Compiler Composibility -> Not Solved!
- Programming Models
- Task Parallel
- Optimizers
- Type : Scalar , Tensor
- Data Layout
- Data access
- Codegen - GPU ASIC …
- Programming Models
- Concept of Dynamic Program
- Basically interpreter style for non-x86
- Use HLL -> IR (static Analysis) -> JIT /AOT -> dynamic analysis -> hardware
- Machine Learning compiler Requires automatic diff.
- Given Callable, create Auto Diff. Version of Callable.
- After Diff, Run Dead Code Elimination. (Wow!)
### AI Langauge in scala
### Compiling ML with XLA
### Glow: Graph Lowering Compiler Techniques for Neural Networks
### The Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler
### Polyhedral Compilation of ML Computation Graphs
### Compiling Deep Neural Networks for ACAP Devices
### TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning
### MLIR Primer: A Compiler Infrastructure for the End of Moore’s Law