[Paper] MLANG Compiler for Tax Codes in France

  • Frenchh Income tax uses compiler to efficiently calculate and reason about taxation
  • Why?
    • Traditional Workflow is loop like
    • For Tax_Payer in All Tax Payers Get_Profile for Tax_Payer Execute Tax_Code Sequences
    • Time consuming and not scalable, Computationally Expensive
    • Implementing new tax codes is hard

Solution - Legacy System

  • In 1990, France buuilt Compiler with custom lang for income tax
  • It has Tax Code Rules as M file, which get compiled to C Files, then compiles GCC -> Computation M -is a custom, non Turing-complete language.


  • New System is called Mlang. It has a formal semantics;
  • It eliminates solution 1 hand-written workarounds in C
  • It compiles to modern languages (Python)
  • It enables a variety of instrumentations, providing deep insights about the essence of French income tax computation.
  • New edition of the Tax Code describes in natural language
  • Tax Cod as bracket system redits, deductions, optional rules, state-sponsored direct aid, all of which are parameterized over the composition of the household, that is, the number of children, their respective ages, potential disabilities etc.

Improvement in Solution - New System

  • Formal semantics for the M DSL, along with a proof of type safety per-formed using the Coq proof assistant
  • Eliminate C code generation by adding capabiliutes to M
  • Implement reference interpreter along with an optimizing compiler that generates C and Python code

M Lang and M++

  • Declarations
  • Floats or undef
  • input variables (scalar or fixed length array), intermediary variables, output variables and exceptions
  • Rules - Computation part, assignments or Raise-if stmt

  • More on GIthub Specs

Compiler Details

Reductions Flow
